Current JPC news on our FB page, below
On August 2, more than 35 people from across Jacksonville attended a forum on institutionalized racism. Sponsored by the Jacksonville Progressive Coalition (JPC), the event featured a stack of speakers who addressed the Black Lives Matter movement, the struggle against police crimes and the fight against mass incarceration.
July 29, 2015
Add News Story hereJacksonville, FL – Over 100 activists and community members gathered here, July 26, to honor Sandra Bland. Bland, who supported the Black Lives Matter movement, became national news when she was found dead in her jail cell after being arrested for a minor traffic offense.
September 5, 2012
Read about Friday's #Justice4Dee rally at the courthouse and keep up with the latest by following the Justice 4 D'Angelo page on Facebook and Instagram. #BlackLivesMatter
June 8th, 2015
“Angela Corey has no backbone when it comes to charging police officers,” said Opio Sokoni, a community activist and scholar in Jacksonville. He continued, “This is true even when they have proven to have broken policy in their actions that have hurt and killed citizens. This is a defining issue of our time. We need a prosecutor that will hold officers accountable when they do wrong. We should not wish for a prosecutor like the one they have in Baltimore. We must seek out and elect one.”
December 16, 2013
Jacksonville, FL - With more than 50 activists and community members present, the Duval County School Board voted unanimously, Dec. 16, to change the name of Nathan Bedford Forrest High School. The historic vote by the school board comes at the end of a six-month campaign by the Jacksonville Progressive Coalition (JPC) and other forces to drop the local high school's racist namesake.